Nobody knows how old aunt Esther really is. Perhaps 80, perhaps 85.

Although her memory is not what it used to be, it seems that she still has some sex appeal left in her for last week we received a message from her saying that she - believe it or not - just gave birth to a little baby boy!

When mom heard the news she immediately arranged an expedition, and we all flew to aunt Esther's to see the new addition to our family.

When we got there, we naturally wanted to see little Jon immediately.

"Well, where is the baby? We can't wait to see him!" said mom, all excited. Aunt Esther, however, wanted to tell us about the delivery first. "Oh! you should have seen the nurses! How sweet they all were! They have these white dresses, you know..." On and on Aunt Esther went.

After a few minutes my mom gently reminded her: "Little Jon? Can we see him?"

Aunt Esther seemed distracted for a moment, but she quickly came to her senses. "And the doctors! Oh, my! The funniest thing I ever saw - all wearing green robes! Imagine that! Green!"

This went on for a long time until dad began to lose his patience. "Whydon't you show us little Jon?" he demanded.

"I'm waiting for him to start crying." was aunt Esther's cryptic reply.

Dad was puzzled. "But why do you want him to cry?"

"Because," replied aunt Esther, "I forgot where I put him!"

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