Mottel goes out for his usual dinner at Finklestein’s Shangri-La Delicatessen. Orders the flounder. Waiter brings the plate to the table, sets it down. Just as the guy raises his knife and fork, the flounder sits up and shakes his head at the guy. Mottel goes pale, gets up, leaves the restaurant.

Next night, convinced that he’d been hallucinating, guy returns to Finklestein’s Shangri-La Delicatessen. Orders the flounder. The dish arrives, guy picks up his knife and fork, flounder sits up, shakes his head, waves a fin at the guy. Mottel chokes back a scream, jumps up, runs out of the restaurant.

Tells his wife all about it. She replies, "See, you’re just not going to the right places. Tomorrow night you’re taking me to The Four Seasons, and you’re going to order the flounder, and it’ll be delicious."

Next evening, he gets into his best suit, wife’s in her mink, they take a cab to The Four Seasons. She orders the veal, he orders the flounder. His entree arrives on beautiful china, perfectly done, garnished with lemon and parsley. Mottel confidently picks up his knife and fork and is just about to dig in when the flounder suddenly sits up, shakes its head at him and says, "Nu, Finklestein’s isn’t good enough for you anymore!"

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