A man walks into a synagogue with a dog. The Rabbi runs up to him and says,
"Pardon me, this is a House of Worship! You can't bring your dog in here."

"What do you mean?" says the man, "this is a Jewish dog. Look!"

And the Rabbi looks carefully and sees that in the same way that St. Bernard carries a brandy barrel around its neck this dog has a tallis bag round its neck.

"Spot," says the man, "daven!".

"Woof!" says the dog, and stands up on his hind legs, opens the tallis bag, takes out a kipa, and puts it on its head.

"Woof!" says the dog again, and opens the tallis bag, takes out a tallis, and puts it round its neck.

"Woof woof!" says the dog, and takes out a siddur and starts to daven.

"That's fantastic," says the Rabbi, "absolutely amazing, incredible! You should take him to Hollywood, get him on television, get him in the movies; you could make a million dollars off of him!!"

"Oy!" says the man, " you talk to him. He wants to be a doctor."

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